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The Supreme Court Guidelines on Senior Designation

 In an effort to streamline and bring in transparency into the process of designating advocates as “seniors”, the Supreme Court in  2017 judgment in ( Indira Jaising v. Supreme Court of India ) has issued the following guidelines in all matters relating to it will be dealt preliminarily by a committee headed by the Chief Justice .   I. All matters relating to designation of Senior Advocates in the Supreme Court of India and in all the High 105 Courts of the country shall be dealt with by a Permanent Committee to be known as “Committee for Designation of Senior Advocates”; II. The Permanent Committee will be headed by the Hon’ble the Chief Justice of India and consist of two senior-most Judges of the Supreme Court of India (or High Court(s), as may be); the learned Attorney General for India (Advocate General of the State in case of a High Court) will be a Member of the Permanent Committee. The above four Members of the Permanent Committee will nominate another Member of t...
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The Assassination of Peshawa Narayan Rao

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Prison Drawings

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Letter from a Birmingham Jail

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Can't Inter Faith Couples Marry Without Changing Their Religion? Madhya Pradesh HC Misinterprets Special Marriage Act

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Story of Pero and Cimon

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          Courtesy: LeadIndiaLaw 1. Reduced interim maintenance. (SC), Hbl J. R. M. Lodha, order on 20-07-2010, Appeal No. 5660 of 2010, Arising SLP (C) No. 6736 of 2007, Neeta Rakesh Jain Vs Rakesh Jeetmal Jain. Citation No. AIR 2010 SC 3540; (2010) 12 SCC 242; 2010 (7) JT I 76 (SC). 2. Wife is not entitled to maintenance who deserted her husband. (Supreme Court), Bench Hbl JJ. S. Ahmed & D. Wadhwa, order on 02-03-200, AIR 2000 SC 952, 2000(2) ALD Cri 15, 2000Cr. LJ 1498, Rohtash Singh Vs Smt. Ramendrei & Ors. Citation No. (2000) 3 SCC 180; JT 2000 (2) SC 553. 3. Maintenance not granted as it is proved that wife wants to reside separately. No maintenance to deserting wife. (HC Chhattisgarh), Hbl J., L. C. Bhadoo, order on 15 -02-2004, Crl. Revision No. 544/2003, Shiv Kumar Yadav Vs Santoshi Yadav. 4. Husband can get PF details of wife. (CIC, Delhi), Decision No. 1816/ IC (A) 2008, F No. CIC/MA/A/2007/00583, Prof M.M. Ansari, order on 10 Jan 2008. 5. Wif...