Justice Pushpa Ganediwala Justice Pushpa Ganediwala of Bombay High Court Nagpur Bench tendered her resignation after the Collegium of Supreme Court did not elevate her as permanent Judge. The judgement given by justice Pushpa Ganediwala on January 15, 2021 in the case Libnus Kujur Vs State of Maharashtra was seen as much controversial and subsequently overruled by the Supreme Court. Her interpretation in the case regarding sexual assault against a minor as skin to skin was criticised widely. When the judgements are not good, it must be criticized and discussed. But is it okay to criticize a judge personally? "To error is the human being." We shouldn't judge the capability of a judge on his/her single judgement or dicision. When decisions are handed down, some people say they are right and some say they are wrong. These are the people's opinions and they have the right to hold them. Everyone has their own opinion and perspective, and it must ...
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