Do lawyers in India have to pay income tax?
Yes, lawyers in India do have to pay income tax. Lawyers can be classified into the following categories:
i. Practicing : Individuals who are not attached to a firm and practice independently are taxable under the category of “Income from Profession”. They can use the Presumptive Tax Scheme to complete their responsibility. Under this plan, lawyers with gross receipts of less than Rs 50 lakh in a year can pay taxes on only 50% of the total amount.
ii. Non-practicing advisor : The earnings of such a consultant are also treated as professional income and taxed under the “Profits from Business or Profession” heading. However, they cannot use the Presumptive Tax Scheme.
iii. Employee Of A Law Firm : Let’s say a lawyer is appointed as a full-time employee of a tax law firm in India. Then her income will be considered as salary and taxed under normal income tax laws.
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