Live-in relationship is GOOD. Live in relationship is an arrangement where two people are not married but live together in one house. They are often involved in a romantic or sexually intimate relationship on a long-term or permanent basis. The Supreme Court said that an adult couple can be in a Live in relationship even when the man's age is below 21 years, the legal age for marriage. A survey found out that in Mumbai, about 50% of the couples in the 20-28 age group are in live-ins. But, 70% breakup within 2 years.
Following are the advantages of live in relationship:
1. Likes dislikes, and behaviour of a partner can be known in a better way.
2. Couples can analyse whether their relationship will be compatible in the future or not.
3. Divorce rate will gradually decrease.
4. Breaking up after marriage is more difficult than breaking up before marriage.
5. Marriage will not be due to family pressure or social obligations.
6. A sense of understanding and maturity is developed amongst the partner.
7. Domestic violence reduces.
8. Gender equality is maintained between them as both of them put equal efforts.
A woman under live in relationship can ask her partner for maintenance under Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
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